Connect with us to receive information about the next round of internships starting 2023.

The Peace + Freedom Challenge organizes internships for university aged people from diverse origin to participate in the design of the event, the mission and the technology.
The most immediate internships involve engineering students designing aircraft. The design, build and operate phases of the aircraft can include student teams at all phases, or it can involve young engineers designing aircraft and then handing their designs to the build and operate teams to complete the Mission.
Beyond engineering, internships include teams with a focus on health, environment, media and wild card.
All internships are team-based and focused on building the path to Peace + Freedom.
Internship programs are important for continual improvement. This includes technical systems and human systems. Engineers can design and build almost anything if given precise mission requirements and the resources. There is no limit to what they can do if motivated. The challenge is to motivate technical people to solve our biggest threats. They can easily blow up the world, but can they design systems to make the world a good place to live?
How do we design The Peace + Freedom Challenge to continually improve humanity’s ability to manage threats - pandemics, climate change, natural disasters, war, terror? Internships invite young people to design the technologies, the events and the mission. Each year, interns provide designs on how to make the Mission more challenging to advance humanity on the path to Peace + Freedom.
Universities are the primary source of interns, but internships are open to any participant. The categories of interns are: Engineers; Health; Environment; Media and Wild Card. The Wild Card category is for those who do not fit into a traditional category. The Media category is to ensure the story of problem-solvers is told. Environment interns examine our physical environment, how it is changing, its pattern, its threats and solutions. Health interns focus on threats to life, particularly infectious diseases. Engineers focus on technology.
⚙️ Engineering
Looking for real world application of your engineering studies?
Drawn to teamwork and the shared thrill of seeing your work take flight?
Peace + Freedom Engineering internships invite motivated learners in the fields of aerospace, mechanical, electrical and civil engineering to participate in all stages of the Peace + Freedom Challenge – from Design Exchange to manufacturing and operation apprenticeships.
Connect with us to learn more.

Tintie Ahmed Kone
For me, the independence we had remains something unique about this internship. It was up to us to learn how to have positive impact on the people in Malawi and Zambia. We had to design transport and communications solutions to save lives.
As an engineering student from NYU who grew up in Ouagadougou, I felt both honoured, and a lot of pressure to deliver. Concept design was challenging, but designing the implementation required more from all of us than expected, leading us to push ourselves in ways we couldn’t imagine.
The satisfaction I felt when we finished our pitch to funders – and their positive reaction – was something I can never trade. Everyone on the team felt a unique connection to the project and our self-confidence grew stronger by the week.
Country of origin: Burkina Faso
Program participant: 2020
🩺 Health
Are you passionate about health and what it takes to save lives?
Think you have ideas for critical life-saving supplies?
From research activities to in-field operations, Peace + Freedom Health internships offer motivated youth the opportunity to direct their energy for health promotion into real-world applications.
Connect with us to learn more.

Mei Freeman
I didn’t know what I wanted to do. I had just graduated and was looking to have positive impact on the world. When I met Jay and learned about the internship, I was both intimidated and thrilled. I went to Madagascar and started working with local healthcare providers to save lives. It was a dream come true.
All the interns I know had their dreams come true. It’s incredible. I helped redesign healthcare systems. I continue on as a mentor to future interns – and I love it.
Country of origin: Canada
Program participant: 1997-1998
🌤 Environment
Tired of hearing bad news and want to apply your positive energy towards solutions?
Are you motivated to see nature conserved with the help of advanced technologies?
Peace + Freedom Environment internships offer applied research opportunities to motivated youth who want to put old debates in the past. If you have ideas for building a new future in which the environment and economy work together, we want to hear from you.
Connect with us to learn more.

Sampanna Bhattarai
As an engineering major, my aim has always been to contribute my technical skills for social good, and Solar Ship's Peace + Freedom internship program provided me an ideal platform to do so. The mentors at Solar Ship were super friendly to work with, and so were my incredibly talented peers from all around the globe that I got to connect with throughout the program.
If you are interested in learning more about aerostats, IoTs, and contributing to solving pressing social problems through technology, such as illicit poaching of endangered wildlife in Southern Africa or delivering critical cargo to remote areas, as well as closely collaborating with and pitching to some of the leading global experts in this domain, I would highly recommend you to apply for this internship.
Country of origin: Nepal
Program participant: 2020
Do you have a flare for storytelling?
Want to build your skills producing content to inspire other youth?
Peace + Freedom Media internships invite budding directors, producers, talent and technicians to develop products that inspire belief in the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible.
Connect with us to learn more.

Sampanna Bhattarai
It was so inspiring to apply my interests in video production to tell the story of the Addis Vision Exchange. These aspiring Ethiopian entrepreneurs had so much to say about the world they hope for. Being able to translate that into something others can see was personally gratifying.
Country of origin: India
Program participant: 2020
Do you know systems and have a passion for psychology of change?
Is the difference between fear and danger clear to you, and does the idea of disruption motivate you?
Peace + Freedom internships could be a great opportunity for you to do what you do best – shake things up. Our Wild Card internships seek the Wild (those who don’t need the stability of being domesticated) Cards (those who know how to sort a deck and create the conditions for productive game play).
Connect with us to learn more.