Why Peace?
Rapid Response To Rapid Change
The world will change more in the next 20 years than in the last 200 years. This pace of change will increase rates of death, destruction and extinction.
Current systems cannot keep pace with these changes. Universities produce ideas to address these threats, but they are not designed to launch ideas as solutions. Accelerators help entrepreneurs build ventures, but their success is measured in money.
Our Peace theme complements universities and accelerators by creating a launch pad for ventures in 3 themes:
Save Lives
Protect Nature
Disaster Relief
Why these themes are getting our attention now?
Why Save Lives?
Climate Change is creating rapid Nature Change leading to floods, fires, droughts and pandemics, causing death and disability rates to rise.
The world’s biological systems are changing fast, resulting in new diseases trying to thrive in humans, animals and plants, causing pandemics and collapsed food systems. Infectious diseases, food shortages andviolent conflicts are predicted to rise unless causes of threats are diagnosed and new ideas are developed at the pace of change.
Reduce death rates caused by rapid changes in nature
Connect points of need with diagnostics to predict threats from diseases and collapsed food systems
Connect points of need with points of care to respond to threats
Reduce death and disability in points of need where rapid changes in nature are greatest
Why Protect Nature?
Rapid changes in nature result in rising species extinction and species change. The world is in its sixth mass extinction. Species evolve to play specific roles. When the balance and flow of nature is upset, it creates new species threatening current systems. Some results of this change are known. Some results are not known. Adjusting to changes requires new ideas at the pace of change.
Reduce destruction of habitats and rates of extinction caused by rapid changes in nature
Connect points of need with tools to predict threats from fires, droughts, floods and illegal poaching
Connect points of need with systems to respond to threats
Reduce rates of deforestation and poaching
Why Disaster Relief?
Sudden changes in the flow of water, causing floods, droughts, fires, landslides and other events create disasters, displacing people from their homes, ruining farms, killing livestock. Large scale events create large scale camps for people seeking refuge, which increase the rate of disease, despair and conflict. The scale and impact of disasters has been rising over the last several decades and is predicted to increase. Rapid response to these events is needed to avoid increasing rates of death, destruction, despair and violence.
Reduce the threat of violent conflict caused fear, scarcity and displacement of people
Connect points of need with tools to predict threats from violent conflict
Connect people from diverse backgrounds to provide ideas on prevention of conflict
Reduce rates of armed conflict by increasing the rate of solutions to fear, scarcity and displacement of people